Monday 12 March 2007 * Some Gui changes - Categories auto fill ComboBox - Get categories removed Listbox output tidied fixed width font + fixed width fields. 'DisplayCategories from current DB' added. 'Add Category' auto inserts into Combobox * Error checking improved. * This Changelog added. Thursday 29 March 2007 * Output format changed from sql to GPX with category in the sym tab * Load from gpx file with or without category in sym tab ( uses selected category if no sym tab ) * Gui changes - Database operation split to seperate screen options for:- - export poi within category to gpx file with category in the sym tab - export complete databes to gpx with categories in sym tabs now possible to delete all categories and Poi in db and then recreate complete db from this file alone. *note any categories lacking attached poi would not be recreated. - deletes of selected category(ies) and poi(s). - delete all poi in category. - display categories - poi * More Error checking. * version upped to 0.5 Thursday 19 April 2007 * Edit category description * Progress and status bars added * Success / Failure messageboxes updated. * Helpscreen and file added. * General polish applied. * Version upped to 0.6 Friday 20 April 2007 * Menu item to create default blank MM poi.db. Tuesday 24 April 2007 * License statement added to 'About screen' * Added sqlite3 installation to the package. Wednesday 25 April 2007 * GPL file in COPYING. * added gpsbabel installation to the package. * native loading of garmin_poi (.csv), tomtom (.ov2), geocache (.loc) and gpx files using installed gpsbabel to translate to gpx 'on the fly' * version Upped to 0.7 Monday 30 April 2007 * FINALLY figured out the 'cmd /c lunatic quoting' needed where PATH has spaces and running an exe. Thursday 4 May 2007 * Bug fix Lower/Upper case extension bug fixed * Multiple _MMs added if _MM file loaded fixed * New livery. * bumbed up to 0.7.5 Friday 11 May 2007 * More Bugs squashed * DBStats screen added * Version to 0.8.0 Monday 14 May 2007 * Bugs,Bugs,Bugs * Added confirmation to delete all in category ( database ops ) * Changed from picturebox to image in stats ( for the stretch facility ) * Calculate top and bottom line length for graph in Stats * Version to 0.8.1 Saturday 14 July 2007 * Bugs * rewrote poi type selection * new output file type .mmp instead of _MM.gpx Wednesday 18 July 2007 * 0.83 * Prog was depending too much on formatting of GPXs from gpsbabel * Started kml stuff - will import pois and export track file. Wednesday 15 August * Error checking - check for file exists when selecting View/edit and updatdb. * helpfile updated * dbo screen updated mmp instead of gpx * more work on klm import. kml import will now extract any waypoint as a poi and extract a track as into a seperate .gpx file for import to MM as a route Tuesday 21 August * some code tydying * stopped closing app by X when database being updated * fixed problem with loading poi from path other than c:/temp * klm import now complete. Outputs _trk.gpx as a track for MM this will contain all track segments in klm file. Also any mappins are ouput as poi into poi.db * bumped up to 0.9 Friday 31 August * discovered sqlite3VB.dll this is a wrapper for sqlite3 no longer need sqlite3.exe or sqlite3.dll also the module to run dos commands and collect output now no longer needed * Large speed increases - ( although big code changes may have introduced new bugs ) * radius limiting implemented - Uses a large well stocked db ( 13000 records for testing ) enter a position, radius and filename ie "51.50531 -3.18192",10,"Cardiff" to output Cardiff.db with just local ( 20 mile diameter ) Poi. 280 record from the above db. * Started "Route limiting" will need inputs of "error", "width", "routefile" and "output" - will produce a db with all poi either side of a given route using the width param . When complete this will allow loading a "route limited db" and then "starting radius db" and "finishing radius db" will give a dumbell effect. * bumped up to 0.9.5 Wednesday 12 September * completed Route limiting - takes a "routefile", "cross track error", "distance" and "Output path" first simplifies the route using "cross track error" as the error param in gpsbabel. Then creates an "arc" file using the simplified route, uses the "arc" file and "distance" against a gpx dump of the initial db to create a route limited gpx file of poi 'distance' either side of the routefile. Lastly a new db is created and this "route limited gpx file is imported". * updated helpfile radius limiting and route limiting * re-arranged the menu * version now 1.0_pre will bump up to 1.0 after a short bugfix period.